Brothers Small Group

smallgroupToday we had our third small group meeting of the semester! As usual, we started with a sumptuous dinner, catered from a local Chinese restaurant, shared some laughs, and then we broke up into our respective small groups to talk about one of the most important questions we could ever ask - What is Life? I'm thankful that God has given us this chance to discuss questions such as this, which are so important during this season of life, college. I remember when I was in college, the kinds of things I thought about, the habits I formed. And it's true what many people have told me. The decisions I make and the lifestyle I choose to live in college have a great effect upon the rest of my life. Having been out of college now for some time, I can see the truth of such words.I'm hoping that through this weekly small group all of our students would seriously think about the questions that really bear weight in this life, and give serious effort to know and live out the Bible, which is the truth. Looking forward to many more great small groups and memories to come!


Hilarious!!! Line Charades!!


Historic Night - First Austin NSWN!!