Koinonia Austin Sisters Unite!

382109464_img_4016Hi everyone! This is my first post for our sister's small group blog! I hope this blog can be a place where we can share our thoughts, memories, and just other stuff you want to talk about. Hope you enjoy it!

I'll start off by sharing my own experience with small group during my freshman year, which was also how I met Sarah Song! (she was Sarah Oh back then). We met in one of the girl's apartments right before Sunday Service at Gracepoint Fellowship Church in Berkeley, and share from our Devotional Time (DT) text or another passage. I remember having a grand ol' time, eating breakfast that our small group leaders prepared, griping about the upcoming test or midterm, sharing prayer requests, and getting to know one another. Little did I know that many of them would end up being my good friends, or more like my true sisters (which was a whole new thing for me, being an only child!). I look back on those times with a lot of fondness... Sigh...

Now it's pretty neat that Sarah and I are still together, now in Austin!, helping lead our own small groups. We hope you'll look back on these times with fond memories too, whenever you pass by the Atrium at McCombs. We'll be going through Course 101, a course on the basics of Christianity, for the fall semester. Hope you're enjoying it so far!


Rudys! Rudys!


Zilker Picnic