GFC Austin Inaugural weekend

inaguralThere are times when it's hard to put into words all that you've experienced from an experience or period of time. I think this past weekend is one of those times. On Sunday, I had the privilege of being a part of the Inaugural Service of Gracepoint Fellowship Church - Austin. It was a special time indeed as many people packed into the sanctuary with UT students, special guests, and nearly 70 of our dear precious brothers and sisters from the Bay Area. It kind of felt like I had been transported back to Berkeley at times seeing so many familiar faces...

Our senior pastor from GFC Berkeley, Pastor Ed, brought the message from Romans 16. He challenged us to be like the early church, that we might become a people who are close to one another because of our bond in Christ. After reading Romans 16:1-16, it's very clear that Apostle Paul had this intimacy with fellow brothers and sisters scattered throughout the world. Pastor Ed also challenged us to become people who claim one another in love. That is what the church is, a place filled with people who claim each other in love. I think this is an appropriate message for me personally as I serve here in the Austin church. I'm reminded that the reason I moved out here is to become a person who loves God and people zealously.

Well, Ultimate Week and the Inaugural are all over now. As I look back, I'm just so thankful for the many friends and leaders who flew out here this past weekend to be with us. It gives me great strength to know that everyone back at home in Berkeley, Davis, and Taiwan continues to run this race alongside all of us here in Austin, and that we are all in this spiritual battle together, contending together to honor our awesome God. So it's official...Gracepoint Fellowship Church Austin has been birthed! Happy Birthday GFC Austin!


Pastor Manny Usain Bolt Kim


Rudys! Rudys!