Thanksgiving Celebration!

TCPrepWell, the day finally came. Gracepoint-Austin had our very first Thanksgiving Celebration. It was truly a sight to see...the delicious food prepared by the staff and students, the cowboy costumes, the rappers, and the guest appearance by Pastor Manny who tried to do a breakdance move that didn't quite work out. It was truly a memorable night.

However, more than the singing and dancing, the part of the day that I enjoyed most was the sisters' sharing time in the morning. After we read Psalm 100 together aloud, each of us shared one thing we were thankful to God for this past year, and at the end of the sharing everyone said, "Praise the Lord, His love endures forever." It was a moving time for me as I recalled God's faithfulness in my life this past year and in the people who were gathered in that room.

I am thankful for what God has done in the four and a half short months we've been here. At the end of the Thanksgiving Celebration performances, we watched the Gracepoint church slideshow, and as we tracked back the history of our church along with the different ministries we were involved in, I was hit by the fact that God had started our church back in Berkeley all those years ago through the commitment and sacrifices of people committed to serving him. I was reminded that God calls us to this journey of faith with him and what a privilege it is that I get to be a part of his plans.


Thanksgiving Celebration


Getting Ready for TC!