Christmas Gift Exchange


Christmas is just around the corner! I can't believe it. We've come to the end of another year. It's just amazing how fast time flies. To cap off our first semester as Koinonia, we held our last major event of the semester.. our Christmas Gift Exchange. Everyone was told to bring a gift of about five dollars to participate in the game. Let me just say, some people chose to bring some unique gifts (i don't want to mention any names, but someone brought a picture frame, but it wasn't any old picture had a picture of himself in it).

So as you can see, people had the liberty to bring pretty much whatever gift they wanted. Now during the course of the gift exchange, we had these "challenge" cards where one person could challenge another person for that person's gift. One of the challenges was arm wrestling, another was to see who could break dance better (where I totally dominated wayne...sorry, wayne), and another was to see who could do the best boxing impersonation. There were several other challenges as well, but for your viewing pleasure, I've posted the video where the two contestants were judged by how well they could impersonate a boxer. Judge for yourself who you think is more realistic. :) All in all, it was a very memorable gift exchange. Not a bad way to end our first semester as Koinonia! Two more weeks of the semester left. Good luck students with your finals! Study hard and hang in there!


First Winter Retreat in Texas - Yee haw!


Thanksgiving Celebration