Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Valentine's Day of Compassion

2009 VDay of Compassion (22) A group of sisters at our home church back in Berkeley decided one day that they wanted to do more on their Valentine's Day than buy into the sappy visions of flowers and teddy bears that it's evolved into. So they decided to venture out into the community and use it as an opportunity to share God's love with those who could use a little extra encouragement. Thus, 'Valentine's Day of Compassion' was born.

2009 VDay of Compassion (11)Our first ever Austin 'VDay of Compassion' was yesterday, and twenty five brothers and sisters from our church (including 18 students!) got the chance to visit the downtown Salvation Army center. We prepared frames for a photo-booth for the families, home-made cupcakes, and some songs and games to share with the families we'd be meeting.

2009 VDay of Compassion (29)We weren't sure exactly how many or who would show up to the evening, but by 7:10 pm we were joined by five families (most of the kids were boys) and we ended up having a hilarious time playing 'Electricity' and the most absurd rendition of 'Rock-Paper-Scissors.' Carlton gave a message on God's love, and we sang some great Joyland songs as well.

2009 VDay of Compassion (32)It was wonderful to be able to spend a holiday traditionally focused on one's own self and one's girlfriend/boyfriend (or why one doesn't have one!), to go out as a body of Christ and share His love with others, together. Hopefully we'll get to go back again soon and spend more time with the folks there.