Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Freshmen Getaway to Enchanted Rock

Last weekend we left UT Austin along with all the calculus and chemistry behind, in order to venture out to Enchanted Rock where we were able to soak in the beauty of God's creation.  Many native Texans never knew that such a beautiful park existed just about an hour away from campus.  We arrived Friday night after TFN and enjoyed some late night snacks followed by some team building games and a viewing of the movie, "Glory Road".  Afterwards, the guys drove to their house and played a few rounds of hide and seek in what they called, "the haunted house". The next morning we reconvened at the girls' house for a scrumptious breakfast and a time of DT.  We then packed our lunches and headed for Enchanted Rock.  Upon arrival, we loaded our bags and began our trek to the top with many freshmen indicating that it was their first time ever going on a hike.  The panoramic view was simply breathtaking.  Once we reached the summit it was time for lunch and a chance to teach the Freshmen how to play the "Ninja Game".  Shortly thereafter we had an opportunity to explore the caves which John kept referring to as "the mines of Moria" from Lord of the Rings.  After that exciting escapade we went to another scenic point to watch the sunset.  We also used this opportunity to sing some old-school church songs such as "Making Melody" and "Deep, Deep".   Some freshmen brothers enjoyed it so much that they voluntarily went to the front to help Bryan and Sarah lead the motions.

Overall, it was an incredible trip full of many memory making moments and all of us were so thankful to spend this extended time to share many laughs and get to know one another more personally.  Looking forward to the next trip!

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