Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Volunteering at Habitat for Humanity

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Koinonia got a chance to kick off the Summer of Servanthood with a day of volunteering at Habitat for Humanity. We got to partner with this Christian organization to help a family build their house - this time around we got to break dirt and lay sod and even plant two trees. It was good to work with our hands alongside one another, and after learning how to use some new tools (like the "Texas Toothpick"), we capped off the day with some Sno-Beach.

Here is a short sharing from Bryan (soph):

On Saturday, Koinonia staff and students went out to help Austin’s Habitat for Humanity with landscaping for a newly built house. We dug up rocks andtrash from the hard earth and laid down fresh soil and sod. By the end ofthe day, the barren lot was transformed into a lush green yard. The experience for me was extremely positive. I was surprised at how work that seemed tiring and mundane became fun through an atmosphere of teamwork and fellowship. Even though the work was tough, especially under the hot Texas sun, it was exciting to see our efforts come together as piece after piece of sod was laid down. By the end of the day, although I was tired physically, it was revitalizing to be able to see the work we accomplished knowing that all of it would be for a family in need.