Summer of Servanthood

written by Lillian Summer's usually a time when waking up early means anytime before noon, and somehow life slows down to about 5 mph. But here in Austin, we're challenging ourselves to really make the most of every opportunity by finding ways to be servants. We're calling it Summer of Servanthood, and it has been a packed, fulfilling few weeks so far! Every Friday, we've been gathering together to eat some great home-cooked dinners, get our creative hats on to work on a variety of things including publications (flyers, brochures, splashes, etc), revamping the Koinonia website, storyboarding the New Student Welcome Night video skit, archiving all our videos, and brainstorming lessons for our JOYland ministry. We then end the night with some exciting volleyball IMs with clinics led by Kelly! In addition to these worknights, we've been serving the Austin community through Habitat for Humanity and visiting our local nursing home to share God's love and the hope of the gospel. So much has happened already, and it'll definitely be a summer of fond memories and no regrets!


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