Winter Break Recap for Koinonia Austin!

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This past Winter Break, 37 students from Austin took part in mission trips to San Diego, Taiwan and Cambodia. Our team in San Diego took part in three intense days of campus outreach, culminating in 3 campus welcome nights happening simultaneously on the UCSD campus. Two of our members joined students from other Gracepoint churches to spend the first part of Winter break doing campus outreach in Taiwan at NCTU and NCHU, sharing the Gospel message and the meaning of Christmas with the Taiwanese students, many of whom have never heard the true meaning of Christmas. Many of our members also joined a mission team to Cambodia for a packed time of village outreach, teaching at Life University and village outreach, including an exciting Gospel Night! All three of our mission teams were able to see God work mightily and we're looking forward to the next mission trips this coming Summer.


Winter Retreat 2012 Recap


Welcome Back Freshmen Dinner