What Happens During TFNs by Small Group?

IMG_1439 Written by Rosa L.

This past Friday, some of the senior and freshman sisters met at Sunny's house to have the first Small Group Bible Study of the semester. With the mix of the young and younger (haha), we had a great time getting to know each other in a smaller, cozier setting. We started the night with one of our church's favorite dinners, bibimbap. Afterwards, we broke up into smaller groups to study Mark 1:1-8, examining key verses and key points of the passage. Sunny spoke about what i means to prepare our hearts for Jesus and how to be like John the Baptist who lived out what he preached. Following this time, we had our first Iron Chef competition of the year with the theme of doughnuts! There were three teams, and each team had to create a sweet doughnut and a savory doughnut. The competition was even more interesting with the secret ingredients: crushed pineapple, bbq sauce, and baby food. In the end, it was close, but the "Heavenly Doughnuts" took the victory with ingenious combinations like chicken and baby food (tasted like stuffing!). The night ended with more donuts, cookies and ice-cream. We all left Sunny's house full of sugar and anticipation for what next week will bring!

Written by Jenny C.

Last Friday marked the first Small Group Bible Studies of the spring semester! The Junior sisters had a great time together at Kelly's house. To start off the night, we had a delicious dinner of make-it-yourself Vietnamese spring rolls as different people entertained us with a show-and-tell of meaningful items they had brought from home. Afterwards, we gathered in Kelly's living room to read and discuss Mark 1:1-8. Kelly closed the time by encouraging us to be honest about our sins and to strive against the grain of culture as John the Baptist did. Finally, Sarah led us in a game of Junior Olympics, in which the four teams, Canada, US, Russia, and China, faced off in events such as pig fighting, leg wrestling, worm racing, and a Koinonia classic, blind swordsman. After going medal-less for much of the night, China pulled off a stunning upset and stood on top of the podium in the end. We look forward to having many more of these fun times this semester!

Check out more photos here:

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