G-Live has come and gone...

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Written by Frederick L.

It is finally over! As the final night of Gracepoint Live concluded, feelings of relief and elation of a job well done were mixed with hints of nostalgia. It has been such a meaningful and joyous experience. After the extravagant outpouring of time and effort--the countless rehearsals, prop-making, planning, flyering, video-editing, food preparation, etc.,--we finally did it. Considering how far we--especially the seniors--were from being ready even on Thursday, it was truly an act of God that the performances were able to go so smoothly. We are so glad to have had more than 400 people attend the production, and even more were able to watch it from Berkeley, Davis, San Diego, Minnesota, and Riverside through live streaming. Hearing sharings about stories of some of the people who came and how they were impacted by the nights reminded us that even if just one person was impacted by Glive, it was all worth it. The pervasive testimony of all of us who participated is what a privilege it was to serve in this way. We are so glad that Pastor Ed and Kelly flew all the way down from Berkeley to join us Friday on a surprise visit. (And a special thanks to the 6 brothers and sisters from Berkeley who used their money and vacation hours to fly out to help us with A/V and babysitting!) What an illustration of the one body in Christ, of the church coming together despite barriers of time, energy, and distance. The past few months were such a joyous time of bonding, as we all set aside our individual concerns and participated in something so much larger than ourselves. Whether it was worrying about whether the we had all the props on stage, coating foundation on each others faces--guys and girls, staying up late into the night at Winsted to record songs under blankets (so the sound wouldn't reverberate), or high-fiving each other after a job well done, we all have a greater sense of unity as a result. Like Pastor Ed talked about in his message on Sunday, let this be a window into what God and life within a community is all about.


After 4 years in Austin


Counting Down to G-Live!