Freshman Sister Zilker Park Outing!

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Written by Eugene L.

On Saturday morning, we couldn't let the beautiful weather slip by without going outside! Some freshmen and senior girls woke up bright and early to go kayaking at Zilker park! The water was so clear that we could see the fish and turtles hiding in the plants as we paddled by, and we spotted some swans as well. After some splash wars and creating a giant chain of kayaks to take a picture, we raced back to shore and dried in the sun as we took more pictures and chatted. We ended off the outing by going to Sandy's for hamburgers and custard, and we had a good time getting to know each other better. It was truly a fun time of fellowship as we got to explore a sweet corner of the city.


An epic finale to our dodgeball tournament!


A full weekend of dodgeball, dim sum, and kayaking!