Life Groups Off to a Great Start!

20120729- MYT Presentations012.jpg With the start of the new school year, we kicked off life groups last night at the SAC ballroom. From freshmen to graduate students, we welcomed all the new students into the ballroom for a night of delicious food and introductions to our group, to each other, and to what life groups entail!

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Students received their life group assignment and nametags at the welcome table.

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We started the night off with lemon pepper chicken wings, Mexican rice, and beans for dinner! As we gnawed at the wings, we were able to meet and talk with all the people in our life groups.

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After dinner, we played a few games to break the ice. In one game, we were to line up according to specific criteria like oldest to youngest or tallest to shortest. The group who did this the fastest won a point for their team.

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The next thing on the agenda? Human Bingo! Unlike your traditional bingo, each square contains a description and if someone in your life group qualifies, you are able to mark off that square. Each bingo and each square won life groups additional points!

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At the end, we had three top scoring teams.

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Of course, we had to audit whether their claims were true. These guys had to prove that they can speak 3 languages!

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The evening ended with an encouraging time of sharing of what each student wanted from life group and why they decided to join one. We look forward to our next meeting and what will happen as we get to know each other and find out more about life and God together! If you missed out, it’s not too late to join a life group! Sign up to join one today!


Dodgeball Tournament: Week 2 of 4


RECAP: Welcome Week and NSWN 2012