Celebrating Thanksgiving Koinonia-style!

IMG_7093 Written by Eugene L.

Thanksgiving break was a good reprieve from work for the students and working people alike! On Thanksgiving day, those who stuck around Austin gathered at the 605 house to have a potluck lunch, complete with Thanksgiving staples like turkey (though one of them was bacon-wrapped!) and many different takes on mashed potatoes (loaded, cheesy garlic, breaded and deep-fried...), along with an incredible number of very creative side dishes and desserts. It was a time of food, fellowship, good cheer, and more food. It was evident that God had really poured out a lot of blessings in our lives - cooking talent for some, all the relationships in that room, the many little kids running around, the memories we could recount from this past year, and more!

IMG_7046 After we ate enough to send us into sleepy stupors, we had a rousing time of games to wake us up. We made teams based on birth year and played a game of human bingo, where we had a chance to learn people's various hidden talents and audit bingo cards by having team members perform their so-called skills. One bingo audit was both terrifying and hilarious - each team's member with "good aim" was challenged to shoot a cup off another team member's head using a nerf gun. Success rate? Zero. But we had a good time anyway!

IMG_7161 After human bingo, we split up into teams by class (freshman/sophomore, junior/senior, and Praxis) and had a time of performances and demonstrations. All the teams had 45 minutes to divide up their teams into groups and prepare to face each other in a trivia quiz bowl, an arm-wrestling tournament, a choreographed-dance-off, and a rap battle. There were some stellar performances and some not-so-stellar ones, but with bellies full, they were all fun to watch. The Fitz's also proved to be the strongest duo in the church - both Tim and Debbie won (or tied for first) for the brothers' and sisters' arm-wrestling challenges.

IMG_7233 The juniors' and seniors' dance


To wrap up the fun, many of us went to the gym to play volleyball and basketball. All in all, it was a fun-filled and relaxing day that made us even more thankful to have our community!


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