First Gym Night of the Semester!

20130209 Gym Night 028.jpg By Sam S.

This past Friday, we met for our weekly Bible study at Jester Auditorium. We are currently going over the book of Genesis, studying the journey of Abraham. Once again, we were reminded of the faithfulness of God and his sovereignty. Although Abraham was flawed, we were amazed to see the transformation that took place in his life as he took steps of faith in following God.

20130208 Gym Night 001.jpg After TFN, we had our first Gym Night of the Spring semester! Teams were divided by class: the inexperienced underdogs, freshman class, the defending champions, sophomore class, the athletic and formidable, junior class, and finally the wisest and experienced, senior class.

20130208 Gym Night 003.jpg It was a fierce battle between classes to claim the title of the Champion of gym night! There were 4 different challenges: Hand-B-Ball, Ultra Soccer, Dodge-the-rope Ball, and the finale, Brave–B-Ball. These games were all games that we've played before, but with a twist.

20130208 Gym Night 016.jpg Everybody gave their all, but only the best could claim the name of the Koinonia Gym Night Champions! From history, the freshman class wasn't expected to win, and this gym night proved to be no different. Finally, it all came down to the junior class versus the senior class.

20130209 Gym Night 023.jpg Both the juniors and seniors ended with the exact same score: 91 to 91. To break the tie, each team had to send up representatives to compete in the free throw challenge.

20130209 Gym Night 027.jpg A few minutes later, everybody was roaring, cheering, some in disbelief, some in despair. But one thing was clear, the senior class rose to the occasion and were crowned with the title: “Koinonia Gym Night Champions”.

If you think you can stop the reign of senior class over Gym Night, please join us for our next TFN and Gym Night!


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