What we did last Friday!

20130315- Bible iMotion 007.jpg Last Friday, we met up for TFN in a smaller group since people were still away due to Spring Break. We had some time to fellowship over dinner and to share from the recent devotions in Deuteronomy and Joshua. It was a good time as we got to reflect over God's faithfulness and encouraging words to Joshua to be "strong and courageous". In light of the recent DTs, we tried something new as we created our own stop motion videos, recreating scenes taken straight from these two books!

What was the result? Super creative uses for Lego figurines (the Israelites), blocks (Jericho/Jordan River), and even a teddy bear (Moses)! Check out two of the videos below!

Note: Add epic music to get the full effect.

The Ten Commandments and the Golden Calf from Deuteronomy 9

Rahab and the Spies from Joshua 2

Join us next time!


Gym Night, with a LOTR twist!


The Friday Night: Brothers Edition!