Good Friday and Easter 2013

20130401- Easter 049.jpg By Andrea M.

Our Easter weekend began with the Good Friday service. We reflected over scenes from The Passion of the Christ and 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 thinking about how God’s plan of salvation conflicted with different worldviews.

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20130329- Good Friday 002.jpg Pastor Manny talked about some characters, such as Pilate and the Jewish leaders with worldviews centered on wisdom, power, and might. They never expected the message of a suffering servant, Jesus, to be their salvation. We ended the service with a time for prayer and commitment as we shared the Lord’s Supper.

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20130331- Easter 006.jpg Easter morning was a time for celebration! We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus with worship and our own student orchestra. We watched a video made by our Berkeley church displaying God at his best in the saving of souls from sin and death through the sacrifice and resurrection of his son, Jesus. His glorious victory over death has reversed our lives giving us the opportunity to live new lives.

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20130331- Easter 025.jpg We also celebrated the baptism of nine brothers and sisters! Praise the Lord! We were able to hear their testimonies and ways in which God has truly been faithful in their lives.

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57


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