Gracepoint Summer Rally 2013 - Rebuilding the Walls Together

20130625- California Tour 067.jpg Written by Lillian K.

This past weekend, we "rallied" together across all of our churches to get together with more than 1500 people to be strengthened by all the good work that God has done in our ministries! This rally was the first of its kind, where we got to meet the members of our other churches and be encouraged that we are all working towards the same goal of sharing the gospel alongside our fellow brothers and sisters. There were many moments of laughter, recounting stories of sacrifice done by many of the oldest members of our church, singing praise, and even symbolically laying down the "bricks of sacrifice" that many people have given in order for the church to be built up, just as Nehemiah had done in his days when he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. We also got to hold a commissioning serving for a new church plant at UCLA (the campus group will be called Acts 2 Fellowship). Many of us committed and recalibrated for ourselves what was important to give our lives for and were galvanized again to reach out to all the people right around us in the cities we're spread out in! Here's a snapshot of what happened over that time...

20130620- SF Tour 044.jpg Pre-GSR SF trip! After driving down the crookedest street of Lombard, we stopped by Pier 39!

20130620- SF Tour 041.jpg Chowin' down on Trish's mini donuts (so delicious!)

20130620- SF Tour 033.jpg I don't even know what to say...

20130620- SF Tour 026.jpg Endless options of some amazing seafood! (Of course, we had to get some clam chowder in a bread bowl!)

20130620- SF Tour 018.jpg Ghirardelli Square (as in, yes, the chocolate)

20130620- SF Tour 017.jpg The brothers looking very cultured in front of the Palace of Fine Arts in SF.

20130620- SF Tour 010.jpg The secret picture spot of Battery Park!

20130620- SF Tour 004.jpg Every trip to UC Berkeley must always include a stop at the Durant Food Court!

20130620- GSR 003.jpg 20130621- GSR 001.jpg GSR took place in our newly renovated Auditorium in Building B at our Harbor Bay building!

20130621- GSR 004.jpg 20130621- GSR 005.jpg Many members of our church shared stories of their peers, leaders, and how they first started to attend our church

20130623- GSR 005.jpg Many of us had a chance to recount or commit to the sacrifices it will take to build up the church

20130623- GSR 004.jpg A special celebration for our senior pastor's wife Kelly Kang on her 50th birthday! Happy Birthday!

Capping it off with a whirlwind tour of the beautiful sights of Northern California!

20130623- California Tour 003.jpg

20130624- California Tour 015.jpg Bonfire at Sierra Lodge

20130624- California Tour 025.jpg Lookin' good at Sand Harbor in Lake Tahoe on a rainy day

20130624- California Tour 034.jpg It was really cold at Omstead...

20130625- California Tour 037.jpg Minnesota and Austin students mingling at Yosemite House!

20130625- California Tour 049.jpg Halfway point up to Vernal Falls!

20130625- California Tour 057.jpg Beautiful... (the background, that is...)

20130625- California Tour 062.jpg

20130625- California Tour 072.jpg Wow...

20130625- California Tour 081.jpg Look over there!~

20130626- California Tour 094.jpg When a picture can speak louder than words...

20130626- California Tour 099.jpg Overlooking the beautiful Monterey Bay!

20130626- California Tour 105.jpg 20130626- California Tour 109.jpg Who knew seaweed could provide so much fun? =)

20130626- California Tour 118.jpg Vintage Koinonia Jump Pic!

So until next time... Have a great rest of the summer!


An interesting poll about Pastor Manny's loyalties...


Sophomores in Houston!