Frosh Zilker Outing

Written by Daniel L.

This past weekend was a blast at the Freshman Zilker Park outing. Two by two we geared up and rolled out into the depths of Town Lake... and boy, was it was a warzone with splash "paddles" left and right! Returning to shore drenched and covered in seaweed was indeed proof that many students gave it their all. Afterwards we had a filling lunch and a time of sports, capping it all off with some refreshing shaved ice.

Check out some of the highlights below!

A "grilliant" combination of burgers and hotdogs -- thank you Pastor Jonathan and Susanna for grilling!

Many teams were forged to test their skills in volleyball, soccer, football, and frisbee.

...and "shaving" the best for last!


Sower, Soar, or Sore?


Last Weekend at Koinonia