Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Last Weekend at Koinonia

Written by Peter H.

This past weekend was full of exciting and engaging events for us here at Koinonia!

On Friday, we gathered together for our weekly large group Bible study, the TFN. Pastor Jonathan started the Parables series with a message on the first part of Luke 15. We were challenged by Jesus’ parables to share in God’s heart, as a shepherd looking for his lost sheep and as a woman searching for her precious lost coin, and that God views us as precious in that same way. Pastor Jonathan encouraged us to become a part of that “search party” to seek those who are lost in this world, rejoicing when they are found.

After the Bible study, many of us stuck around at Jester auditorium to play one of the classic post-TFN games, Line and Speed Charades! We divided up into teams by class and attempted to act out funny scenarios in order to win the most number of points. In the end and to our surprise, the three freshman teams swept the games and ended up taking first, second, and third place!

Do you want to challenge the victorious freshmen? Join us another week for our next TFN to learn more about God and have fun!

The next day, many of the sophomores went to Austin’s very own Zilker Park for an afternoon of fun! We had a delicious barbecue, played some water games to cool ourselves down from the Texas heat, and ended with kayaking around Town Lake.

And although many of us were at peace with one another before we got onto the lake, our kayaking time ended up becoming a time of battle as we used our oars and hands to splash each other with the cool water. Bryan S. (grey shirt, upper right side in the picture above) in particular initiated much of the aquatic warfare, splashing anyone he could see.

If you’re a freshman, come join us for another time of fun games and kayaking at Zilker Park this Saturday!