Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Sower, Soar, or Sore?

From the Bible study covering the parable of the sower, to soaring across the field during capture the flag, or being sore from capture the flag...

Written by Eugene L.

This past Friday, Koinonia kicked off the weekend with the weekly TFN Bible study, starting with some unplugged worship by the praise band and - surprise - a pop quiz! (Thankfully, it was ungraded.) The quiz opened up the question: are we just hearing Bible study messages or are we really listening to what God is trying to tell us? This led us into the next topic of the Parables series with the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-15). We were challenged to examine our hearts and see which of the four "soils" we were by our response and receptiveness to God's word. Pastor Jonathan encouraged us to become the good soil that could bear genuine fruit of the Spirit of God.

After TFN was the kickoff of the junior discipleship retreat, where many of the juniors had a chance to slow down and reconnect with the Gospel message once again. The rest of the juniors, as well as the sophomore class, went to the 605 house for a time of games and snacks. Fueled by cookies and brownies, the whole group played an intense guys vs. girls round of the Couch Game - a game of strategy, memory, and usually just a lot of luck. It was fun getting to know one another, and afterwards we had a chance to mingle while playing Scattergories, ping pong, and mini basketball.


For the post-TFN activity for the other classes, the Koinonia freshmen and seniors challenged Kairos (our smaller sister campus ministry) to a rousing game of glow in the dark Capture-the-Flag at Clark Field. Over the course of the night, this involved glow in the dark frisbees, coming up with guerrilla tactics, several feats of extreme speed and athleticism, and LOTS of yelling. We had a lot of fun and ended with a 2-2 tieā€¦ which means a rematch next time! We then split off into smaller groups hosted at the staff's houses for some delicious late-night snacks (including heart-hurting foods like ramen and wings) and hanging out. It was a good chance for the members of Koinonia and Kairos to get to know each other and build up our friendships.

yay ramen!

Sisters' Ramen Fellowship

Overall, this was an exciting and memorable end of the week! Join us at next week's TFN for a special talk on Science and Faith.