The Christmas Gift Exchange

As the semester wraps up with the last week of classes, we had our Year-End Bible Study & Christmas Gift Exchange. Pastor Jonathan covered the Christmas story in Luke 2, reminding us that Jesus came in a lowly and humble manner. Afterwards, we had a fun-filled Christmas Gift Exchange as everyone tried their best to grab the good gifts!

Gifts were moving left and right as shifts, switches, and Robin Hood appeared. Challenges ranging from a martial arts performance between the Han brothers, a dance off between the Juniors vs. Seniors, a sound setup obstacle course, and many more were exciting to watch. The exchange ended with the sisters defeating the brothers in a jump rope challenge. We ended the night with some Christmas snacks, photos, and sharing what we were thankful for during this past semester. As we look back, we are truly thankful to God for blessing us with many new relationships :) and placing us in a group where we can grow in our walk with God.


Freshmen Class TC Act


Thanksgiving Celebration!