Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Houston Winter Gathering

This past Saturday, a bunch of us drove down from Austin to join our friends down in Houston for a fun day of hanging out and catching up from this long break. Knowing how famous Houston is for its delicious food options, our first stop was at the renowned sushi and Brazilian barbeque buffet, Kpop.

It was refreshing to see some familiar faces and reconnect over slices of succulent slices of salmon sashimi and tasty morsels of filet mignon. Bursting at the seams and hardly able to move, somehow we made our way over to Kemah Boardwalk where a bonanza of activities ensued. We enjoyed the fearful first rollercoaster rides together, as we were beaten up by the rough ride of the Boardwalk Bullet, while others went off to enjoy some fun carnival games. Following tradition, some unnamed brothers, such as Jee Bae, took on the basketball challenge while failing miserably, unable to make a single shot. And of course the day wouldn’t have been complete without a warm and sweet funnel cake to revive us on that rather chilly day.

As if we hadn’t eaten enough already that day, we continued on our journey to a yummy boba place in Houston’s famous Chinatown called the Tea Bar. Slurping down some scrumptious organic bubble tea, we were able to spend some more extended time hearing how people have been able to implement the Winter Equipping material during their breaks. Touching base with those far off in Houston was very rejuvenating, and it gave us greater excitement and anticipation for us all to come together at the beginning of this Spring semester, particularly as we approach the Winter Retreat with eagerness.