Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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This year, I’m thankful for ______.

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Written by Steffanie W.

Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting. -- Psalm 147:1

Thanksgiving Retreat marked the start of thanksgiving season for many of us, as we reflected on this previous year and thanked God for the generous gift of salvation that he’s given to each one of us. The video testimonies and yearly recaps of what had happened in 2014 throughout all of our church plants definitely gave a powerful witness to the compassionate, faithful, and merciful God we serve. Check out the pictures below to see what it was like!

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We took the psalmist’s words quite literally at our Thanksgiving Service and Celebration, where expressed our gratitude to God through songs, skits, dances, and even a magic show! First, Pastor Jonathan gave a message over the importance of properly giving thanks to God for what we’ve received through the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17. I’m so thankful for the reminder that Jesus desires for a personal relationship with each one of us, one that’s not based only on what he can give. One definite keeper quote was: “Thankfulness depends on what’s in our heart, not in our hands.”

After the message ended, the celebration commenced, starting with the scrumptious Thanksgiving Feast with turkey and ham, complete with all the fixin’s! If you didn’t get to come this year, you definitely missed out. Here are some pictures from the celebration – hope to see you next year!

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