The Dynamic Dallas Gathering!


By Deandra T.

With many back at home for the summer, several of us in Austin decided to take a trip to Dallas to visit those in the area. We headed out Friday night and made it just in time to catch up over a delicious dinner and dessert (which is the perfect way to start off any trip in my opinion).


Fellowship and food - perfect together.

We reconvened the next morning to review the past weeks' daily devotions' text. To add in a creative twist, we divided into groups and each picked out a passage from that week to reenact. The catch? We could only make use of one word from the passage to encapsulate the entire passage as we acted. This not only led to some memorable performances, but it helped us to remember the core takeaways from that week's DT.


Guess which word this group chose as their one word? Hint: It rhymes with no! Bonus points if you can name the passage from Genesis.

Braums was the next stop to get our fill of burgers and milkshakes, fueling us up for the whirlyball matches to come.


Fun fact: you can only find Braums in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Missouri and Arkansas!


Whirlyball was our next stop where we challenged one another's hand eye coordination skills. Some of us were better than others...can you tell? Nonetheless, it was a fun time of fellowship and bonding.


We made our way to the park afterward for some sports, kicking our time off with an exciting game of kick-ball! Ultimate Frisbee followed and despite the windy weather, we played enough games to work up an appetite for our final stop, H-Mart.


Before we knew it, it was time to say farewell to our Dallas friends and head back to Austin. We look forward to seeing everyone in a couple months when they return to campus!


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