Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Of the Cosmic Universe...and Carnivals?

IMG_1016 by Jenny N.

This past Friday, Pastor Jonathan donned his Chemistry PhD hat and came onstage as Dr. Jonathan Lee to present an exciting — yes, chemistry and physics can be exciting — talk on how science and faith can actually go hand-in-hand.

And though perhaps what came after could not be quite as exciting as Microbiology or the Big Bang Theory...we tried our best to have just as much fun with our second ever Koinonia Carnival!

_MG_0318 We felt the love as the Junior class hosted the Freshmen class from both Koinonia and our sister fellowship, Kairos, to a night full of fun games, bonding time, some friendly competition, and lots of cotton candy. Thank you Juniors!



_MG_0300 The air was thick with excitement as groups buzzed around the various booths and stations (and of course, divulged in more popcorn and cotton candy), when the competition heightened to an all out game of Tug-a-war, pitting man against man, Freshman against Junior, and the much awaited and always anticipated students versus staff.

_MG_0372 To our shock, the students took away the win!

But the night couldn’t end with such an unexpected upset, and so Maurice brought magic to the stage — literally.


And though we didn’t figure out the magician’s secrets, we did walk away quite satisfied with the evening. Should the Carnival make its way back to us next year, come and join us!
