The Final Installment to the Enchanted Rock Getaways!

This past Saturday, the sophomore students and staff had a chance to also go to Enchanted Rock. The weather was lovely and it was a great break away from a long week of school.  The painful (for some) trek up the huge rock was a challenge, but it was totally worth it when we reached the top. What a beautiful view of the scenery it was, seeing the wonderful creation of God. The Sophomores had a chance the go through the caves, take silly and fun photos, and sing familiar Christian classical hymns.

Afterwards, we made a pit stop at Fredericksburg where we enjoyed some ice cream and played some sports and board games at the park. For dinner, we had yummy hamburgers.


Even though it was just a day trip, it was a well-spent day with food, fellowship, and fun. What a great way to spend the weekend!


Science & Faith: Can they Coexist?


Freshman Getaway to Enchanted Rock!