Saturday Adventures with Freshmen and Sophomores

Still itching from the adventure bug after the Enchanted Rock outings, the freshmen and sophomores went on various Saturday outings earlier this month to get active and chow down.

Starting off the month, the sophomore brothers and sisters split up, with the former driving down to Lockhart to hit up its famous Texas BBQ at Kreuz Market and Smitty’s Market. 

Meanwhile, the soph sisters spent the morning trekking around Town Lake, even during the sudden downpour of rain at the halfway point. We then dried off and filled our stomachs with yummy gourmet burgers at Hopdoddy. 

The following weekend, the freshmen class and staff went to Zilker Park to work out their arms while kayaking on Lady Bird Lake. Since not everyone could go at once, there was also some free time to play volleyball, soccer, and speedy rounds of King Kong Shower. 


Though November is a stressful time as the semester comes to an end and finals approach, this was a nice chance to take a break from studying, enjoy the outdoors, and have fellowship with one another. 


Operation: Koinonia


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