Junior Sisters Dallas Trip


The Ikkanda's homegroup decided to go on a Dallas day trip last weekend. Our sisters took off bright and early Saturday morning and reunited with some of the Dallas girls at Fast & Furious Japanese Grill. We caught up over our summer activities while we stuffed our faces with the amazing food. And once we were fueled up with lunch, we headed off to The Escape Room to burn off brain power.  

The task was to escape within one hour. There were hidden clues, various locks, and -- with nine sisters stuck in a small room -- lots of screaming and panicking.  But with our minds put together, we managed to escape with 19 minutes to spare! We cooled off with something sweet at Andy’s Custard and popped our heads in Living Stones Church. Here we met up with some more sisters and gathered in a circle to pray for one another. Lastly, our mini Dallas adventure ended with dinner at H-Mart and watching Finding Dory on the big screen.  


Late Night Boba Bar


Juniors' Spring Getaway