A Weekend of Good Fun and Good Food!

Our college ministry group had a blast last Friday at Longhorn Lodge. And the sweltering heat didn’t stop us from enjoying an afternoon by the lake playing sports and kayaking. We kicked off the evening with a dinner prepared by our very own college students and staff. Great job, guys! The chicken and pasta were delicious!

Our appetites satisfied, we continued the fun with a heart-stopping game of Jeopardy. While we discovered which teams knew their trivia, we also discovered which teams liked to live life on the edge by guessing. Dessert and bonding over board games ended the night.

The next morning, we set off to Houston. Our first stop, scrumptious Chinese food in Houston’s famed Chinatown. After lunch, we traveled to the water wall to take pictures and cool down. The Houston Museum of Natural Science was our next destination. There we saw dinosaurs, mummies, and even a huge saber-toothed sloth!

For the final part of our trip, we split up into smaller groups to have dinners at various places recommended by our very own native Houstonians. But our trip wasn’t complete without one last thing: a stop at Bellaire’s Dunhuang Plaza for some boba tea!


July 4th Festivities


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