Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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A Day in Dallas with the Sophomores!

Last weekend, the sophomores went on a day trip to Dallas to catch up and to hang out with some of the students that live there. We started off the trip with a delicious lunch at Fred's Downtown Philly, which was just what some of us needed after a long drive.

Afterwards, we all went to have some friendly, yet intense, competition in a couple games of Whirlyball. It was a lot of fun bumping into each other, running into walls, and laughing when someone's car stopped working. Some games were really close! Two of them even went into sudden death mode with many clutch shots made. 

We had time to spare afterwards so we checked out some other activities at the Whirlyball Center, from shooting basketballs to showing off DDR skills. There were many epic showdowns between student and student, student and staff, and even husband and wife.

Tired and thirsty, we grabbed refreshing drinks at iTea Lounge and cooled off a bit before heading off to our final destination: H-Mart. After dinner, we prayed together and parted ways.

We look forward to seeing each other again when school starts!