Sophomore Welcome Night

We can't believe that a week of school has already gone by! This past Wednesday, we had our annual "Sophomore Night", a great time for our returning sophomores to reconnect with familiar faces, as well as for the new sophomores (transfer and current UT students), to get to know the existing sophomores and get plugged into Koinonia. We started off with dinner with some yummy home-made smoked BBQ pork and creamed corn. 

Afterwards, we had the opportunity to get to know the people in our tables through our fun and interesting ice breaker called "Post-it chain of connections" challenge. Afterwards we played Human scavenger hunt, where we learned many interesting things about each other, such as who can beat box, who has traveled to the most countries, and who could say the alphabet backwards in less than 10 seconds (unfortunately we could not find another who could!).

To top  the night, John gave a message on the "Sophomore Slump." He spoke on Psalms 1 to encourage us to be firmly rooted like a tree planted by streams of water and to get connected in a community to not go through the "Sophomore Slump" alone.

We look forward to meeting even more Sophomores this year, so be on the look out for our weekly Friday night bible studies if you missed our "Sophomore Night!"




Bros Basketball IM Tournament Commences!