Juniors' Getaway to Enchanted Rock

This past weekend, the junior class took a break from midterm studying for an exciting getaway at Longhorn Lodge and Enchanted Rock! On Friday night, we arrived at Longhorn Lodge and enjoyed some late fellowship around board games and delicious Korean food. 

On Saturday morning, we had a meaningful time reflecting and sharing over our 2 Thessalonians DTs. After that, we headed out to Enchanted Rock.

 After the arduous climb to the top, we were rewarded with a breathtaking view.

 The more adventurous of us also explored the Enchanted Rock caves.

We ended our day back at Longhorn Lodge, enjoying a great enchilada dinner together. Though we head back to another busy semester, we all felt encouraged and rejuvenated as we return to campus!


And the winners are...


First Gym Night of the Year