Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Sophomore Whirly, Winter Gathering in Dallas

During Winter Break, the sophomores in Austin headed up north to visit their peers in Dallas. We made our first stop at Pho Bay for some noodle soup to warm us up before we headed off to play WhirlyBall — a wild combination of basketball, lacrosse, and bumper cars.

We all split up into four teams and competed tournament-style. The yellow cars reigned victorious each game — even with one player unable to move at all — except for the last match, in which the red team finally pulled through with a win. 

While half the group was burning rubber on the Whirlyball field, the rest of us hit up the arcade games, such as the tricky claw machine and Dance Dance Revolution. We also had a lot of fun with the arcade basketball game by holding various student versus staff matches.

Afterward, we hung out at QQ Teahouse and played board games, like Apples to Apples (Bible edition!), while sipping on refreshing boba drinks. To end the day with more food, we went to H-Mart for a filling meal of Korean cuisine.