Koinonia Juniors Presents: Food for Thought

Inspired by other Gracepoint projects like the Passion and Gospel Experience, the junior class decided to build their own set of interactive booths that go over material from Course 101. During post-TFN times, a whole workday, and multiple worknights, we were able to finish up four different booths with the topics of: Creation, Sin, the Bible & Jesus, and Death & the Resurrection.


Then, in place of our TFN, we hosted a Food for Thought event to discuss questions like, “What is the purpose of life?” and “Who am I?” and to just have meaningful dialogue with people about life. While three of the booths set up shop in the SAC Ballroom, one group headed outside in front of Greg Gym to reach students just walking around.  


When the night drew near to its end, we all gathered back to the Ballroom to hear a summary of all the content of the booths and a brief testimony from one of our sisters, Deborah, about how God has worked faithfully throughout her life.


Overall, this was a great way for us to get a better grasp of the C101 material ourselves and to experience co-laboring with each other for the sake of spreading the gospel!


Sophomore Getaway Part 2: Bro Time

