Campus Takeover: Friday Night Outreach

Last week, instead of holding a formal Bible study altogether, we met up in our clusters and came up with different ideas on how to utilize our usual TFN time for outreach instead.

Here’s the rundown!  

Cluster 1: Getting a head start on outreach Thursday night, Cluster 1 set up outside of the Union with four panels that went over material from Course 101. The visuals (and free boba) helped bring people over, so they could engage in spiritual conversations, discuss topics like Heaven, sin, and the cross, and answer the question, “Who is God?”

Cluster 2: Friday night, Cluster 2 transformed the outside of PCL into Café de Koin. They also used chalkboards and panels to go over different topics, such as science and art, but with spiritual twists. For instance, there was a panel with famous artwork from history for people to ponder over whether or not they see God in the picture. There was also a whole poster laying out the differences between natural and theistic evolution and creationism.

Cluster 3: After watching a TED talk called, “What I Learned from 100 Days of Rejection,” (link to: Cluster 3 was inspired to come up with outreach ideas which would get them out of their comfort zones and learn how to overcome the fear of rejection. Some teams walked across campus with signs offering free prayers, while others confessed their sins on behalf of all Christians. There was even a roaming praise band, looking for people to sing along with them and praise God together.

Cluster 4: Set up at the wooden tables outside Gregory Gym, Cluster 4 gathered people around to hear special talks from some staff members, while they also snacked on fried Oreos and boba. They also put together creative displays for people to reflect on, including a quote from Christian apologist C. S. Lewis and an actual ladder ranking people based on level of morality.

God really impacted our hearts those nights as we got to spend time explaining the gospel to people and going over spiritual topics, which the campus was surprisingly overall open to talking about.

After our respective outreaches, clusters regrouped for meal fellowship, games and even a showing of the latest The Case For Christ movie. We hope to continue on this good work, so more students can come to know Christ. The semester’s not over yet!


Freshman Bros Corpus Christi Trip 2017


He is Risen!