ICYMI: 2018 Summer Highlights!

We had a lot of fun this summer! In case you missed it, here’s a few of the highlights:

Koin Summer Road Trips

Throughout the summer, several small groups headed out to Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio for various holiday trips and visits. We got to see many of our friends (both two-legged and four-legged), eat great food, and have good times of fellowship!


Thailand Mission Trip

A team of our members had the privilege of going to Thailand for a 2-week long mission trip to partner with a campus fellowship and share the gospel at the Asian Institute of Technology! It was a bonding time of co-laboring in the heat (which didn’t take much adjusting to from Austin), learning about the Thai culture, and putting on special events and talks – in all, a very rewarding experience.

Baptism Service

We also held a baptism service, where we got to celebrate 5 of our Koinonia members publicly declaring Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We’re thankful for how God worked in their lives and for one of the baptism candidates even sharing her personal testimony!

San Marcos Vision Trip

Finally, our rising seniors ventured out onto Texas State University to engage in spiritual conversations and gauge the spiritual climate of the campus, with the hope and vision of a church plant starting there one day. Though Longhorns at heart, at least they tried the Bobcats look...

We had a great summer overall, sharing lots of new experiences and fun times with those who hung around Austin, as well as those we got to meet along the way. As the school year is ramping up again, we feel ready to take on this next year by the horns. Come join us and see what else we’ll do in the fall!


Get Spooked! Halloween Bonanza 2018


Humans of Koinonia: The Intro