Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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College Backpack Essentials: A UT Austin Guide

Yes, notebooks, laptop, pencils, everybody knows you need those. BUT these backpack essentials will take you from college student to Longhorn pro. 🤘

#1 - Umbrella

An umbrella is a top priority as the weather in Austin can’t make up its mind. One minute the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, all is well. The next minute it is raining so hard, five seconds outside and you’re drenched to the bone.

My first three months in college I refused to purchase an umbrella because firstly I underestimated how much it would rain and secondly I had this theory that as soon as I bought one, it would just stop raining entirely and I would have wasted money on a useless umbrella.

I endured countless experiences of having a soppy wet backpack before I finally caved. Now I carry my umbrella 24/7 because, knowing Austin, I’ll never know when I’ll need it.

#2 - Snacks

Snacks!! With all the activities happening, you never really know when you will have time to go back to J2 after a class at Burdine just to grab food. If you do have time, you may not want to walk all the way to the dining hall to eat. Having a couple snacks on you will make sure that you won’t go hungry. Also, if you pull out a bag of snacks when studying with some friends, you’ll go from mere acquaintance to true hero. 🦸

#3 - Laptop charger, phone charger, all the juice

Don’t forget that the reason you came to college is to learn. When studying with said friends, you want to make sure that your study materials are actually functioning.

#4 - Deck of Cards

Now studying for hours can definitely get boring. A game of Yousef, Resistance, or Mao played every few hours, turned my study friends into my closest college companions (if you don’t know these games, they will completely change your view of cards).

#5 - Water Bottle

Water bottle, this is a really easy one. With all the walking you are going to have to do from class to class, especially in the Texas summer heat, you are bound to get thirsty. Carrying a reusable water bottle is so much easier and more cost efficient than having to buy a plastic one every time you get thirsty.

#6 - Planner / Google Calendar

Yes, everybody thinks that their brain is superior and can remember when every assignment is due, but trust me your brain will fail you. From midterm dates to the room of your next club meeting, all these tedious little details are difficult to keep track of, but having something to write these things down in will make sure you’ll never miss a beat.

Everybody’s college experience is different so the contents of their backpacks will be different, but these seven essentials are tried and true, college students approved.