Pastor Manny talks about Envy, "Why am I...?"

Proverbs 3:7 says, "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil." Joshua Harris uses a beanbag chair to illustrate how we often fail to "turn away from evil."

This past Friday, Pastor Manny dealt with the topic of envy and covered the story of Cain in Genesis 4. One of the topics we talked about was from verse 7, that sin is a malevolent force, crouching, trying to master us (and often succeeding). One of the illustrations Pastor Manny used was from Pastor Joshua Harris, about the beanbag, and small steps we take towards evil… and before long, it’s got us. Here's the actual video of the illustration--it really gets you to think about evil in a fresh way...

After you watch it, let us know what you thought, or what from the bible study or the video stuck out to you!


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