A Koin & IUSM Theatrical Production:


March 13, 2025, Sun || 4pm @ Acts2 Network (2222 Rio Grande St, Austin)



The Good News is a theatrical production by college students from Koin Christian Fellowship and IUSM.

When was the last time you heard some good news? Good news can be uplifting, unexpected, or totally shift your perspective. Join us as we see three friends grapple with the question of what it means to have a relationship with God and why Christians call the gospel the "good news".


Who are we?

We aren’t a professional theater troupe, and in fact many of the actors and background crew you’ll see have had minimal to almost no theater experience! We’re simply a group of college students and graduates from the Austin Acts2 Network who encountered Jesus and saw the eternity-altering spiritual realities of Christianity.

Why The Good News?

More than just a nice story, we believe the gospel has personal relevance for each person who encounters it. Stories like these must be shared, and so came the idea of The Good News: creating a space for people to be captivated by a story of redemption, forgiveness, and living after the life of Jesus in the modern day.

Where can I watch this?

We will be performing at 2222 Rio Grande St, Suite 250.

How much will it cost?

It’s free! You can RSVP here.

How many showings will there be?

Just one! Come join us on Sunday, April 13th at 4PM, the Sunday before Easter.

How long will the show be?

The show will be around 2 hours.

See you there!

Live skit, special talk, snacks. And it's all free? Now that's good news.

See you there! Live skit, special talk, snacks. And it's all free? Now that's good news.