2nd Year Anniversary arriving in Austin (with Video)

On July 10, 2010 we celebrated the second anniversary of our church plant team's arrival in Austin. As we gathered in the morning at the steps of the Texas Union to lift up the UT campus in prayer, each of us also recounted the ways God worked to lead our church to Austin back on July 10, 2008, and for the ways He has worked throughout.

The [brief] history of us eventually choosing to go to Austin as the location of a domestic church plant was initiated a year prior by our senior pastor Ed Kang and his wife Kelly (Gracepoint Berkeley), and the senior leadership team. After much research and separate visits by Pastor Jonathan and Susanna (Gracepoint Davis), and Pastor Manny and Sunny, the campus of UT Austin (which resembled UC Berkeley) eventually became the location we would actively pray about and commit to starting our next church.

After some emotional send-offs for the church plant team the night before (July 9, 2008), our initial team of 9 people arrived in Austin, along with others who came to encourage us and help us settle in. We were reminded of all of God's provisions that made everything possible, from the ideal housing for Pastor Manny's and John's family living in a duplex just 5 minutes away from campus, jobs and school admissions for our team members, and the perfect meeting locations for Bible Study adjacent to the dorms and a church building just one block away from the Union. Not only that, we also had much support through prayers, resources, and encouragement through phone calls, emails and texts from our church members back at home, reminding us that we are not here alone.

Fast forward two years later (some mentioned it was like 10 years already) and we find ourselves so thankful having seen our church community grow in size and faith in God through many salvation decisions and spiritual growth, and seeing excitement towards our vision to see "an Acts 2 church in every college town." We all marveled at God's goodness, not only inviting us to co-labor with Him in Austin, but also sharing in the partnership in gospel with many back at home (Gracepoint Berkeley and Davis), at Gracepoint Hsinchu, and now our new church plants in Minneapolis, Riverside and San Diego. It was fitting as we ended our prayer time also remembering our brothers and sisters at the new church plants, and have so much excitement for all they will experience in their first year.

Praise God for His faithfulness!

Before you view the video below, it would be great if you could first comment on one of your most memorable moments, or something you are very grateful to God from anything these past 2 years, just as a small way for all of us to be encouraged. Thanks!


2010 Gracepoint Austin Worldview Camp!


Bump, Set, Spike