Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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2013 Valentine’s Day of Compassion

20130214 Vdoc 019.jpg Written by Andrea M.

Valentine’s Day of Compassion is a tradition that began at our church in Berkeley to share God’s love with others. Rather than focusing on the hyped-up romantic love that our world celebrates, we recognize that God is the source of love for all people, and that brings us to our community. As our fifth year continuing this tradition, we visited 8 different locations around Austin serving children, teenagers, families, and nursing homes. We met together on the evening of Valentine’s Day pulling together our talents in order to put together programs including crafts, songs, and other activities.

20130214 Vdoc 011.jpg Some of us went to the Salvation Army and got to sing songs with kids, many of whom belong to families struggling financially and facing homelessness.

20130215- VDOC Collinfield 003.jpg Others of us went to nursing homes, like Collinfield House above, and shared an evening singing and talking with several inspiring senior adults.

20130214- CTCH 001.jpg Through this short period of time, we are reminded of the everlasting love that we have received from God to share with those within our community. Leading up to this evening, we prayed that God would use our efforts and talents to plant seeds of his gospel in the lives of the people that we met.

“We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19