The Friday Night: Sisters Edition!

2013-03-01 Sister's Bible Study Written by Nathalie L.

This past week, the brothers and sisters each had their own special Bible Studies. For the sisters we had a chance to come together for a time of fellowship, great message from Jessica Chao, powerful testimonies, great food, and our first all-sisters praise band!

2013-03-01 Sister's Bible Study Through the message we heard how God's blessings can come from good times like getting that A on a midterm exam, and even through tough and painful times in our lives. We also heard some testimonies from our sisters back in Berkeley, which showed us that even through the hardships in life, God's faithfulness to us great and He will be able to redeem us.

2013-03-01 Sister's Bible Study After the message, the upperclassmen sisters gave gifts to the underclassmen sisters to encourage them on through their spiritual walk with God. Each gift was creatively made or thoroughly thought out by the upperclassmen sisters.

2013-03-01 Sister's Bible Study After TFN it was time for desserts! It was sweets galore! The upperclassmen sisters not only poured out their love in the gifts they gave but in the desserts they made as well.

2013-03-01 Sister's Bible Study

IMG_1796b With everyone on a sugar high, it came in handy as the post-TFN activity was "Best of the best: Sister's Edition." Although we were sworn to secrecy that whatever happened there, stayed there, here's a small snippet of what resulted when sisters get together.

This time of fellowship with the sisters was very special, as we just had time to reconnect with each other and God. Hope you can join us next time!


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