Sophomore Getaway to Enchanted Rock!

This past weekend was an exciting one for some of us here in Koinonia as the sophomore class went on the first fall getaway of the school year to Enchanted Rock!

Leaving behind the stresses of school for the weekend, we began the weekend with a meaningful bible study, where Bryan and Sarah S. shared their life stories and how the gospel impacted their lives through their own college years and later, when they made the decision to serve God here in the UT campus. Afterwards, we ended up seeing each other’s baby pictures (no one could have guessed for some of them!) and a game of Taboo, guys vs. girls, in which the girls made a comeback victory. But the fun did not end there! The second day of our getaway had us hiking up Texas’ one and only Enchanted Rock. After what was definitely a challenging climb up to the top of the rock, we had a very memorable time of fellowship as we took pictures, explored a cave together, observed God’s creation, and prayed for one another. The fellowship continued on the way back to our getaway houses as some of us made creative music videos in the car (where one car made four hilarious music videos!) and got to take a tour of our almost-finished Longhorn Lodge. We came back to the houses for a scrumptious dinner and concluded our night with a campfire where we sang classic campfire songs, ate s’mores and banana boats, and shared our life stores with each other. Even though it was definitely a packed weekend, it was a great time to get away from our daily lives to have this time of bonding together as a class! Here are some pictures from our getaway:

It doesn’t get any better than food and fellowship!

The beginning of our adventure

The classic jumping-up picture on top of Enchanted Rock!

Exploring the caves… “To dungeons deep and caverns old”

Sharing and praying for one another

Singing by the campfire!

It was a rocking (get it? ha ha...) weekend for the sophomores, and if you’re in one of the other three classes, it’s okay because you will have your own getaway in the coming weeks! If you haven’t signed up yet, sign up now to join in on the fun!


The Freshmen Getaway


Longhorn Lodge Almost Ready!