Good Friday and Easter

Written by Tina S. Starting with Palm Sunday—the day in which Jesus entered Jerusalem—we prepared our hearts for Good Friday and Easter by reflecting on the contrast between what the people expected from Jesus and what he actually came to be. They expected a political and military leader who could give them freedom from the Roman government. However, Jesus came as the humble servant, bringing true peace with God by freeing us from our sins through his death on the cross.

We were able to reflect on Passion Week through the Passion Experience, an audio and visual exhibition of Jesus’ last week before his crucifixion. We started with the last supper that Jesus had with his disciples, in which he prepared them for the upcoming suffering and trials. Guided through the encounters he had with Judas, the Pharisees, the crowd, Pilate, and Peter, we were able to identify with each of them and personalize how we ourselves put Jesus on the cross. It was a sobering moment, especially as we were given the opportunity to nail our sins onto the cross at the end of the Passion Experience.

We started our Good Friday service by viewing an abridged version of the Passion of the Christ. Afterwards, we had some time to reflect on what it means to acknowledge the truth of who we are before God and what Jesus has done for us on the cross. We ended our service with the Lord’s Supper, commemorating and personalizing the depth and extent of God’s love that was demonstrated through the cross.

The next day, with much anticipation and joy, we gathered together to celebrate Easter! This is the day that our Lord has risen, changing the perspective on death and life forever in the history of humanity.

We started our Easter service with beautiful piece of music played by our very own orchestra.

Then Pastor Jonathan gave a message on the hope that Jesus’ resurrection brings us. Because of the resurrection, we can be confident of the fulfillment of God’s promises and that we will be with him for eternity regardless of all the sufferings and pains of this life. Thank God for this new hope in Jesus!

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” John 14:3


AMP Concert Trailer


The Easter Resurrection