Celebrating the Thanksgiving season!

20151114- Thanksgiving Retreat 026.jpg Every year, all of our groups (Koinonia, Kairos, 4Corners, and IGSM) join together to celebrate and express gratitude for everything God has done in the past year. From all of our churches, across national and international borders, videos were made documenting the ways that God has worked in our ministries!

This year was especially memorable as each church/group traced back to its humble beginnings. Some dated back to the early 2000s and others to the early 80s! We got to see old pictures and hear old stories of the people who have really cultivated the very soil that our church is now built on. Needless to say, we all left 405 with a sense of wonder and deep gratitude that somehow God has now woven each of us into His story as well. We look forward to this coming year to see what more God will do as His story continues!

Check out some of the pictures from the retreat!

20151113- Thanksgiving Retreat 002.jpg

20151114- Thanksgiving Retreat 007.jpg

20151114- Thanksgiving Retreat 015.jpg

20151114- Thanksgiving Retreat 016.jpg

As a bonus, after the first part of the retreat on Friday, we kicked off our first Thanksgiving Celebration (TC) Practice. In other words, we've entered dance mode!

Sophomores! (not sure what Bryan is thinking there...) 2015-11-13 TC Practice 7506

Intense juniors! 2015-11-13 TC Practice 7416

and the seniors! 2015-11-13 TC Practice (5 of 9)

TC happens this Sunday, so make sure to mark your calendars! Better yet, come this Friday and join us for dance practice! You won't forget if you're performing! :)


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