Last Weekend at Koinonia
This past weekend was full of exciting and engaging events for us here at Koinonia! On Friday, we gathered together for...
MYT lives up to its name!
For many, summer conjures up images of lounging around and shooting the breeze...
Welcome to Dallas!
On Saturday, we visited the JFK Museum in downtown Dallas. We listened to an audio tour and got to learn a lot of history.
Onward to Houston!
Then we had a Bible study over Isaiah 40 followed by an exciting round of "Game of All Games", filled with lots of corny...
An Explosion of Fun Pt. II
Senior and sophomore brothers all convened at Lake Austin with bunch of kayaks. Each one of us wore a protective life...
An Explosion of Fun on July 4th!
Afterwards, we headed out to explore Fredericksburg’s historic downtown, which was comprised of many small shops selling...
An interesting poll about Pastor Manny's loyalties...
It's not everyday that we promote a post from our "underground" website called Disgracepoint . But since so many of us...
Gracepoint Summer Rally 2013 - Rebuilding the Walls Together
UCLA (the campus group will be called Acts 2 Fellowship ). Many of us committed and recalibrated for ourselves what...
Sophomores in Houston!
We got a chance to reconnect with some of our old friends back in Houston over some shaved ice. The bible museum gave...
MYT 2013 off to a great start!
The Food Management class prepared a delicious meal as we shared with each other what we learned from our first day....
Building memories at Longhorn Lodge - Part Two!
Who said summer had to be a time when everything has to slow down? Well that’s not the case here in Austin! Now that...
On Being Kingdom-Minded
our church in Berkeley , to now almost 200 people eager to learn about God on any given Friday or Sunday. The impact...
Graduations, the Koinonian way!
The school year ended on an exciting note as we all gathered together on campus and marathoned through all of our senior’s...
Building memories at Longhorn Lodge
Some of the brothers who came to work and the progress on the lodge. Our sisters hard at work securing the siding in...
Join us for Gracepoint Summer Rally!
Don't have plans for the summer? Looking for some fun amidst summer school and work? Join us in Berkeley this summer...