Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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The Friday Night: Brothers Edition!

20130301 Bro's TFN 009.jpg Written by John T.

On Friday, the brothers met for their TFN and began the night with quite a revealing icebreaker as we split up and connected with each other by personality types. After this, we found ourselves struggling over a hunger-busting cheeseburger dinner. With our hunger satiated, we took our seats to receive an encouraging message from James Chao, which was highlighted by personal testimonies from our brothers, both undergrad and staff. Through this time we were able to see how faith is able to overcome our fears, recognizing how this principle was true in the lives of the brothers around us as well as notable figures such as Moses and Jeremiah.

Taking courage from the message, we proceeded from the message to our first all-brothers gym night. It was a brutal, masculine themed gym night, characterized by harsh dodge ball bruises and shin-splintering soccer kicks. Following these sports, we moved on to the “Man of all Men” portion of the night. Battling through the three characteristic challenges of men – intellect, strength, and speed – the competition was very tight between the different classes. However, as you may have suspected, the Seniors came out victorious once again! It seems that the trend of Senior domination continues with each passing week. Come next week and see if you have what it takes to dethrone the reigning champs!

20130301 Bro's TFN 005.jpg Wilson B. reveals his personal testimony about God’s provision in times of fear.

20130301 Bro's TFN 008.jpg An unfortunate casualty of the war of the classes.

20130301 Bro's TFN 018.jpg Two mighty men pit their strength against one another.

20130301 Bro's TFN 022.jpg Hope to see you there next time!