Koinonia Christian Fellowship

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Top 3 Things You Should Do BEFORE Coming to UT Austin

There are some things in life that you wish you knew beforehand. Like not to put plastic in the oven or what to do before you get to you know…college. Here are some things we wish we knew.

#1 - Contact Your Roommate

Whether you know your roommate from high school or are meeting someone for the first time, communication is key!

I knew my roommate before I came to UT, so it made things a bit easier, but I would still suggest you reach out and get in contact. You don’t want your first introductions to be in the dorm room just to find out your roommate doesn’t like the color of the rug you brought!

My roommate and I went shopping at Target for some living things about a week before school started, and it honestly made living together so much easier. We made a list of all the things we wanted in our dorm room, and just split the cost of everything.

Because we took the time to plan and shop for things, our living space was exactly the way we wanted it, and it was a pleasant place to study, chill or invite others to!

#2 - Learn About the Campus (and Austin)

If you’re from outside the Austin area, or Texas in general, then taking some time to research a little about UT and the Austin area will make your first year more enjoyable.

I’m originally from the Austin area, so I was already familiar with the best places to eat, fun activities to do, and where my main classes were on campus. And because of this, I was able to provide a bit of insight to some of my out-of-area friends who didn’t know the wonders of Torchy’s. 🌮🌮

Generally, you just want to know where campus is in relation to some major grocery stores and shopping malls, where different restaurants are, and which places to avoid during things like ACL and SXSW.

#3 - Plan a Daily Schedule

College is one of the best times of our lives, as we are able to try new things every day, and see what works for us. We get to pick our class schedules, sign up for clubs, eat whatever and whenever, and so much more! Everyone around you is experiencing this newfound freedom, and college is a place where you get to develop into the person you will become for the rest of your life.

I personally found huge success in keeping a schedule that had me up in the morning, and in bed at a reasonable hour. Planning specific times to eat, work out, study, (and yes, even play sports/video games) made it so that I always finished everything I needed to, and still got to do the things I wanted.

I’m not saying you have to sign up for those 8 AM’s, but you absolutely consider keeping your daily schedule consistent from day-to-day so that you don’t forget projects or run out of laundry! (We’ve all been there…)